Frequently Asked Questions: Blonde Edition

There are many things to consider when contemplating joining the bright side and going blonde. This is especially true if you are a natural brunette, as transitioning to blonde is not a fast and easy process. It takes patience, confidence, and a skilled stylist to help you through the many stages of blonding. Below we address some commonly asked questions and tips for anyone thinking about making this hair transition.  

1.)     How many sessions will it usually take to go blonde?

Before your first color treatment, we highly recommend that you meet with your stylist beforehand for a consultation. This will give your stylist an opportunity to learn about your hair's current health, color, texture, density, etc. so they can decide on the best game plan to get you blonde. Darker-haired clients will typically require at least two appointments to reach their dream blonde shade. If you’re going from black or dark brown to blonde, it will likely require more visits.

Stylist: @hair_by_rachelh

2.)     Which shade of blonde suits me best? 

Believe it or not, your skin tone can be the best determinant when choosing which shade of blonde is suitable for you. Is your skin warm or cool-toned? Individuals with a fairer, lighter skin tone lend well to shades like ash, beige, or baby blonde. For those who have darker skin pigment -- think golden or caramel tones. It’s important to think about maintenance when picking hair color as well. An all-over platinum blonde needs regular trips to the salon, whereas ombre or balayage is usually more low maintenance. How much are you willing to commit to the upkeep?

Stylist: @hairby.zoekoberoski

3.)     How can I maintain my color at home?

After investing your money, time, and emotions into being a blonde, it’s in your best interest to know how to extend the life of your color. Using quality hair care will be the foundation to keeping your locks looking fresh. Wash your hair less frequently to prevent fast fading, use leave-in treatments and heat protectant spray before using hot tools, and avoid chlorine or salt water.

Stylist: @hairbymaghan

It’s important to trust your stylist and stay patient during the process. Our salon offers a wide selection of professional haircare products that will quickly become your staples during your big transformation. Consider blonde product lines, brassiness reducers, and products that concentrate on color-treated locks. Depending on your hair’s condition and history, talk with your hairstylist to determine which haircare regime and products will get you on the fast track for healthy maintenance and color longevity.


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