A credit card is required to be on file to reserve an appointment. The card will not be charged unless you do not show up for your scheduled appointment. No-shows or last-minute cancelations will incur a cancellation fee of half the amount of the scheduled service.
You may cancel up to 24 hours prior to the start of your appointment without being charged. To cancel your appointment, please call us at 507-387-5115.
We understand that emergencies arise, and we do our best to be mindful of every situation. Our stylist’s time is valuable, and we kindly ask for 24-hour notice for any schedule changes so we can adapt accordingly.
Our goal is that you love your look, and that you feel completely confident being your authentic self.
If you should find you are unhappy with the results of any service received, please notify us before leaving the premises. We will do what it takes to assure you love your results. If a concern is noticed after leaving the premises, we ask you notify us via phone or email as soon as possible and within 7 days of receiving the service.
If a refund is requested, you will be asked to return to the salon and allow our manager to assess the results of the service(s) you received within 7 days. The assessment will then determine whether or not a refund is warranted.
If you request/require an additional service to achieve your desired look - and you did not originally receive that service - you will be charged full price for that service(s).